Saturday, April 21, 2012

Illustrator Found! "Goodbye to the Earth" is rocketing toward self-publication...

I am over the moon...

My brother is a pharmacist by day.. actually by night... he works what I would consider to be a brutal overnight shift... In addition to his aptitude for chemistry, he has always had an innate talent for art... He just sees things through a different lens... and I love it!  He has decided to help me out with my "illustrator for hire - without pay" problem!

So now, when he is not dispensing meds, he will be dreaming up illustrations for "Goodbye to the Earth"...  I can't wait to see what comes next!  Cyber Hugs, -A

Monday, April 9, 2012

My Publishing Adventure... If I could Kayak with a Yak is available...

I am so excited... I can't hold it in... I created a real book out of my text for "If I could Kayak with a Yak" by using!  Please check it out before the clock strikes midnight, or I pinch myself, or my computer turns into a pumpkin...  I stretched my abilities with this one... I created the illustrations to try to express what was playing out behind my eyeballs as I wrote the story.  It was fun and frustrating; exhilarating and very humbling!

The book is available in soft cover... (spendy, I think) and e-book (much more palatable)... linked below is your path to, what I hope is, a read that will make you smile...

Lulu Soft Cover link
Support independent publishing: Buy this e-book on Lulu.
Lulu e-book link
Support independent publishing: Buy this e-book on Lulu.
I also think you'll be able to find it in iTunes... still checking on that!

Happy, Happy Reading!  -A